Experts in property maintenance that support you cradle to grave

BASSE Solutions is uniquely positioned to deliver unmatched property management and building maintenance services.

Upheld by decades of first-hand experience, we don’t just claim to be experts in property maintenance, management and repairs. In fact, we’ve spent years building a network of hand-picked, skilled engineers to leverage our position, and provide solutions within 24 hours.

We’re focused on solving your building’s issue, whilst always adhering to your organisation’s needs. And from cradle to grave, we prioritise value every step of the way.

Building Assets, Support, Services and Engineering

BASSE was established by two like-minded individuals working within building services and property maintenance across the UK, who both shared the same passion and frustrations regarding the industry.

Determined to right these wrongs, they decided to team up and create BASSE Solutions to tackle challenges head on, whilst providing superior solutions.

With 70 years experience between them, BASSE Solutions has gone on to manage commercial and residential properties nationally, including large banking and insurance buildings in London as well as extensive residential estates across the Midlands and South East.

Mechanical engineers repairing complex system
Mechanical engineers repairing complex system

Building Assets, Support, Services and Engineering

BASSE was established by two like-minded individuals working within building services and property maintenance across the UK, who both shared the same passion and frustrations regarding the industry.

Determined to right these wrongs, they decided to team up and create BASSE Solutions to tackle challenges head on, whilst providing superior solutions.

With 70 years experience between them, BASSE Solutions has gone on to manage commercial and residential properties nationally, including large banking and insurance buildings in London as well as extensive residential estates across the Midlands and South East.

Our management team

Our staff is extremely qualified
to help your business grow

The team at BASSE Solutions is experienced in Total Facilities Management, Contract Management, Compliance Management and Building Maintenance. With these skills, an extensive supply network and our customer-centric ethos, we are able to deliver solutions to all client problems.

Chris Bourne

Head of Operations

Joseph Allen

Director of Operations

Our values

At BASSE, we’re committed to creating a safe, comfortable environment where residents can live and work

We’re focused and open with simple and supportive solutions. With these values, we pledge to provide the best possible service.

Focus We’re experts in our field, seeking opportunities to further our knowledge whilst sharing it with our clients in all interactions and discussions.

‌Openness If we’re not certain in our experience, we’ll ask for advice and guidance from our professional colleagues. This ensures that we have the right solution for our customers before committing to them.

‌Simplicity We break down our work into basic terms to ensure that all parties understand what is expected in order to deliver a back to basics approach to service.

‌Supportive We aim to remain dynamic as a business to provide an approach that is bespoke to every task and client.

At BASSE, our mission is simple. We build, assure, support, structure and execute to deliver great customer service.

  • B – Build: We’re focused on building a strong, sustainable business to deliver quality services to our clients.

  • A – Assured: We assure our customers that they will receive the right service to address the problems they face.

  • S – Support: Our knowledge of the built environment empowers us to support our clients with any matter they may face in their business.

  • S – Structure: We build relationships with our clients and suppliers to deliver a quality service from cradle to grave.

  • E – Execute: With a passion for resolving problems, we’re 100% focused on finding the right solution to your problem, 100% of the time.

Our ethos

What can BASSE Solutions
offer me?

With a wealth of experience in total facilities management, we can be trusted to recognise that effective building and maintenance services rely on a collaborative approach; a partnership between you, us and our extensive network of contractors.

At BASSE, we understand your need for transparency. We recognise that property managers want their partners to share a high standard of care for their entire building – not just the areas that require reactive property maintenance.

We always provide an honest validation and solid advice, and can highlight alternative solutions if we identify options yet to be considered.

The mantra ‘commit, fulfil, share and deliver’ is always the BASSE Solutions promise.

  • 70 years accumulated experience

  • 750 planned monthly maintenance visits
  • 90% fix on all first time issues
  • Dedicated support managers
  • We listen to customers needs

  • Provide agreed service packages

  • Promise to deliver (but really do!)

How we work

Our network of contractors

At BASSE, we’ve developed a network to leverage our expertise and experience. The expertise of our contractors means that we can provide a complete service – from cradle to grave. And importantly, we never opt for quick fixes. Instead, as a leading facilities management company, we always provide a second opinion on existing strategies with a fine tooth comb.

Working closely with building and facilities managers alike, we can successfully optimise operations, minimise downtime and deliver value every step of the way.

With a strong focus on finding the right solution for any problem, our building consultancy experts draw on both innovative and trusted industry techniques to help you stay ahead of the curve in an ever-evolving marketplace.

With the support of our reactive property maintenance specialists, you can feel safe in the knowledge that we’ll always consider your building as a whole, and act within 24 hours to really identify the areas hindering your business.